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个人基本情况: 姓名:郭肖勇 性别:男 出生年月:1984年5月 民族:汉族 政治面貌:中共党员 职称职务:副教授/硕士生导师 教育经历: 博士:南京大学,物理学院,理论物理专业。 硕士:哈尔滨师范大学,物理与电子工程学院,理论物理专业。 工作经历: 1.2013/2-2015/12,天津科技大学,理学院物理系,讲师 2.2015/12-2020/12,天津科技大学,理学院物理系,副教授 3.2020/12-今,天津科技大学,电子信息与自动化学院机器人工程系,副教授 研究方向: 1.深度学习 2.知识获取与数据挖掘 3.基于GPU加速的并行计算 主持或参加科研项目(课题)及人才计划项目情况: 1.国家自然科学基金青年基金,11604240,基于拓扑不变量理论的拓扑激子极化激元研究,2017/01-2019/12,18万元,已结题,主持。 2.教育部高等教育司产学合作协同育人项目,201801003010,分布式深度学习平台PaddlePaddle的教学内容和课程体系改革,3万元,已结题,参加(排名第二)。 3.天津科技大学青年教师创新基金,自旋轨道耦合超冷费米子气体的拓扑性质研究,2018/07-2020/06,3万元,已结题,参加(排名第二)。 4.国家自然科学基金理论物理专项,11347112,相互作用紧束缚模型中的拓扑现象研究,2014/01-2014/12,5万元,已结题,主持。 5.国家自然科学基金地区科学基金项目,11365006,杂化光力系统量子特性相干控制研究,2014/01-2017/12,48万元,已结题,参加(排名第二)。 6.天津科技大学青年教师创新基金,2014CXLG22,自旋轨道耦合超冷费米子气体的拓扑不变量研究,2014/09-2016/08,1万元,已结题,主持 7.天津市131创新人才培养工程(第二层次),2014年,物理学。 8.2021年入选NVIDIA校园大使、深度学习学院讲师。 9.横向科研项目,基于Jetson nano的烟火识别摄像头,5.5万元,主持,已结题。 学术成果: 1. 第一作者论文 (1) Guo X., Xu S., Wang Y., Cheung J.P.Y., Hu Y. (2019) Prediction Model of Scoliosis Progression Bases on Deep Learning. In: Ning H. (eds) Cyberspace Data and Intelligence, and Cyber-Living, Syndrome, and Health. CyberDI 2019, CyberLife 2019. Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol 1138. Springer, Singapore (EI) (2) Xiaoyong Guo, Zaijun Wang, Tianjing Li, and Jian Liu, Calculation of charge form factor of elastic electron scattering based on Skyrme force and relativistic eikonal approximation, International Journal of Modern Physics E Vol. 28, No. 3 1950015 (2019) (SCI) (3) Xiaoyong Guo, Jian Liu, ZaijunWang, and Zimeng Chi, Investigation of nonlinear isoscalar–isovector coupling in a relativistic mean-field model by elastic magnetic electron scattering, Nuclear Physics A 978 (2018) (SCI) (4) Xiaoyong Guo, Zimeng Chi, Qiang Zheng, and Zaijun Wang, BCS-BEC crossover in a relativistic boson-fermion model with a synthetic gauge field, The European Physical Journal D (Eur. Phys. J. D.) 70(11), 230, (2016) (SCI) (5) Xiaoyong Guo, Zaijun Wang, Zimeng Chi, Qiang Zheng, and Xiaobin Ren, Topological polaritons with squeezed photons, Journal of the Optical Society of America B 33(6), 1128-1133 (2016) 。(SCI) (6) Xiaoyong Guo,Zimeng Chi,Qiang Zheng,Zaijun Wang,Renormalization group analysis of ultracold Fermi gases with two-body attractive interaction,European Physical Journal D,2016,70(1),23。(SCI) (7) Xiaoyong Guo,Zaijun Wang,Qiang Zheng,Jie Peng,Topological phases of a three-dimensional topological insulator with structure inversion asymmetry,International Journal of Modern Physics B,2015,29(6)1550034。(SCI) (8) Xiaoyong Guo,Xiaobin Ren,Gangzi Wang,Jie Peng,Topological phases in a three-dimensional topological insulator with a time-reversal invariant external field,Physica Scripta,2014,89(10)105801。(SCI) (9) Xiaoyong Guo,Xiaobin Ren,Guangjie Guo,Jie Peng,Quantum anomalous Hall effect on a square lattice with spin-orbit couplings and an exchange field,Canadian Journal of Physics,2014,92:420-424。(SCI) (10) Xiaoyong Guo,Liqun An,Xiaobin Ren,Zhongzhou Ren,Spectrum of a microcavity with single quantum nonlinearity,Canadian Journal of Physics,2013,91(8):645-649。(SCI) (11) Xiaoyong Guo,Zhongzhou Ren,Guangjie Guo,Jie Peng,Ultracold Fermi gas in a single mode cavity: cavity-mediated interaction and BCS-BEC evolution,Physical Review A,2012,86(5)053605。(SCI) (12) Xiaoyong Guo,Zhongzhou Ren,Guangjie Guo,Bo Zhou,Dissipative dynamics of a driven two-level quantum dot interacting with a structured reservoir with two-peaked spectrum,Canadian Journal of Physics,2012,90(9):895-901。(SCI) (13) Xiaoyong Guo,Zhongzhou Ren,Zimeng Chi,Polariton condensation with nonlinear photons,Physical Review A,2012,85(2)023608。(SCI) (14) Xiaoyong Guo,Zhongzhou Ren,Guangjie Guo,Bo Zhou,Photonic analogue of boson Josephson junction in two coupled nonlinear cavities with pumping and dissipation,Canadian Journal of Physics,2011,90(1):45-52。(SCI) (15) Xiaoyong Guo,Zhongzhou Ren,Zimeng Chi,Quantum phase transition of light in a finite size Dicke model with Kerr-type nonlinearity,Journal of the Optical Society of America B-Optical Physics,2011,28(5):1245-1251。(SCI) (16) Xiaoyong Guo,Zhongzhou Ren,Photonic tunneling effect between two coupled single-atom laser cavities imbedded within a photonic-crystal platform,Physical Review A,2011,83(1)013809。(SCI) (17) Xiaoyong Guo,Zhongzhou Ren,Shuchen Lv,Coherence and statistics of a one-atom laser in a photonic crystal microcavity,Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics,2010,43(22)225401。(SCI) (18) Xiaoyong Guo,Shuchen Lv,Controllable optical bistability in photonic-crystal one-atom laser,Physical Review A,2009,80(4)043826。(SCI) 2. 通讯作者论文 (1). Yizhong Wang, Penghui Niu, Xiaoyong Guo, Guowei Yang, and Jun Chen, Single Shot Multibox Detector With Deconvolutional Region Magnification Procedure, IEEE Access Volume: 9, 47767–47776, 2021. Date of Publication: 24 March 2021 Electronic ISSN: 2169-3536(SCI) (2). 王以忠,栾振国,郭肖勇,许素霞,侯勇, 基于注意力机制和双向长短期记忆网络的电能质量扰动识别, 天津科技大学学报DOI:10.13364/j.issn.1672-6510.20200094专辑: 工程科技Ⅱ辑; 信息科技专题: 电力工业; 自动化技术 分类号: TM711;TP18 (3). Xiaohong Li, Zhendong Guo, Shan Zhang, and Xiaoyong Guo, A new deep model based on part pooling for medical image classification, 2021 IEEE International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Industrial Design (AIID 2021)(EI) (4) Zimeng Chi,Xiaoyong Guo,Zaijun Wang,Qiang Zheng,Topological phase transitions of three-dimensional topological insulator without energy gap closing,International Journal of Modern Physics B,2015,29(28)1550199。(SCI) (5) Zimeng Chi, Xiaoyong Guo, and Zaijun Wang, Topological phase transition of two-dimensional topological polaritons, International Journal of Modern Physics B 31(11), 1750070 (2017). (SCI) 3. 既非第一作者又非通讯作者论文 (1) Yizhe Yuan,Bing Li,Xiaoyong Guo,Laser diode pumped Nd:YAG crystals frequency, summing 589nm yellow laser,Optik,2016,127(2):710-712。(SCI) (2) Zaijun Wang,Zhongzhou Ren,Tiekuang Dong,Xiaoyong Guo,Quenching of magnetic form factors of s-d shell nuclei 17O, 25Mg, 27Al, 29Si, and 31P within the relativistic meanfield model,Physical Review C,2015,92(1)014309。(SCI) (3) Jie Peng,Zhongzhou Ren,Haotao Yang,Guangjie Guo,Xin Zhang,Guoxing Ju,Xiaoyong Guo,Chaosheng Deng,Guolin Hao,Algebraic structure of the two-qubit quantum Rabi model and its solvability using Bogoliubov operators,Journal of Physics A-Mathematical and Theoretical,2015,48(28)285301。(SCI) (4) Zaijun Wang,Zhongzhou Ren,Tiekuang Dong,Xiaoyong Guo,Transverse response of bound single-nucleon Dirac-4spinors of spin-orbit partners to elastic electron scattering,Physical Review C,2015,91(2)024306。(SCI) (5) Jie Peng,Zhongzhou Ren,Daniel Braak,Guangjie Guo,Guoxing Ju,Xin Zhang,Xiaoyong Guo,Solution of the two-qubit quantum Rabi model and its exceptional eigenstates,Journal of Physics A-Mathematical and Theoretical,2014,47(26)265303。(SCI) (6) Jie Peng,Zhongzhou Ren,Guangjie Guo,Guoxing Ju,Xiaoyong Guo,Exact solutions of the generalized two-photon and two-qubit Rabi models,The European Physical Journal D,2013,67(8)162。(SCI) (7) Guangjie Guo,Zhongzhou Ren,Bo Zhou,Xiaoyong Guo,Quasi-exactly analytical solutions of two electrons invertically coupled rings,International Journal of Modern Physics B,2012,26(32)1250201。(SCI) (8) Guangjie Guo ,Zhongzhou Ren ,Guoxing Ju,Xiaoyong Guo,Time evolution of a time-dependent inverted harmonic oscillator in arbitrary dimensions,Journal of Physics A-Mathematical and Theoretical,2012,45,115301。(SCI) (9) Guangjie Guo ,Zhongzhou Ren ,Guoxing Ju,Xiaoyong Guo,Quantum tunneling effect of a driven inverted harmonic oscillator,Journal of Physics A-Mathematical and Theoretical,2011,44,305301。(SCI) (10) Guangjie Guo ,Zhongzhou Ren ,Guoxing Ju,Xiaoyong Guo,Quantum tunneling effect of a time-dependent inverted harmonic oscillator,Journal of Physics A-Mathematical and Theoretical,2011,44,185301。(SCI) 4.专利及软著 (1)软著,基于LightGBM的脊柱侧弯辅助诊疗系统,受理号:2021R11S0904671 (2)发明专利,基于领域适应的改进SSD监控视频目标检测方法,申请号:CN201910659059.4 联系方式: 通讯地址(邮编):中国天津市河西区大沽南路1038号天津科技大学电子信息与自动化学院16号楼324室(300222) 电话:022-60601077 E-MAIL:gxyauthor@tust.edu.cn |