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国家杰出青年基金(B类)获得者、广东省珠江学者讲座教授;IJCIM亚太区编辑、IJPR副主编、BMIJRED区域编辑、JIM副主编、英国电气工程师学会IET Fellow;美国机械工程师学会ASME Fellow;香港工程师学会HKIE Fellow;美国工业工程师学会IIE会员





·17203117HKU项目代码),Price-compatible matching mechanisms for carrier collaboration   香港RGC优配研究金       2018/01-2020/12,在研,主持       58.2万港币

·17212016HKU项目代码),Efficient multi-attribute multi-unit auctions for e-commerce logistics       香港RGC优配研究金       2016/12-2019/11,在研,主持 59.6983万港币

·2016A030311041,面向工业4.0的大型物联制造系统联动式智能决策方法研究 广东省自然科学基金重点项目       2016/04-2019/04,在研,参与       30万元

·51475095,制造物联网驱动的“生产-物流”系统ALC 多尺度联动决策方法      国家自然科学基金面上项目       2015/01 -2018/12,在研,参与 80万元

·T32-102/14-NHKU项目代码),Delivering 21st Century Healthcare in Hong Kong - Building a Quality-and-Efficiency Driven System   香港RGC Theme-based Research Scheme (TRS)       2014/11-2019/10,在研,参与       47.5万港币

·ITP/045/13LPHKU项目代码),RFID-Enabled Building Information Modeling (BIM) Platform for Prefabrication Housing Production in Hong Kong   香港平台研究项目       2014/03-2016/03,已结题,主持    736.5020港币


·广东省科技合作奖    广东省人民政府    2019

·Hybrid flow shop scheduling considering machine electricity consumption cost    Emerald出版社, 最佳论文引用奖, 其他       2016

·A real-time RFID-driven model for two-level production decision-making 美国IEEE, 最佳会议论文奖, 二等奖    2014

·A bilevel model for transportation service sharing in Supply Hub in Industrial Park (SHIP) 美国IEEE, 优秀会议论文奖, 二等奖, 2013 2013

·面向定制生产的协同设计与制造关键技术    广东省人民政府, 广东省科学技术奖, 一等奖 2013


·Physical internet and interconnected logistics services: research and applications International Journal of Production Research,55(9): 2603-2609.

·2017 Data-driven resilient fleet management for cloud asset-enabled urban flood control IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, PP(99): 1-12.2017

·Optimal configuration of assembly supply chains based on hybrid augmented lagrangian coordination in an industrial cluster Computers & Industrial Engineering, 112: 511-525  2017

·E-commerce logistics in supply chain management: practice perspective Procedia Cirp, 52: 179-185 2016

·Private parking slot sharing Transportation Research Part B Methodological, 93: 596-617       2016

·A mpn-based scheduling model for iot-enabled hybrid flow shop manufacturing,Advanced Engineering Informatics,30(4): 728-736.2016

·Truthful, budget-balanced bundle double auctions for carrier collaboration.Transportation Science, 51(4): 1365-1386.2016

·Big data for supply chain management in the service and manufacturing sectors: challenges, opportunities, and future perspectives Computers & Industrial Engineering 101: 572-591.2016

·A customer satisfaction evaluation model for logistics services using fuzzy analytic hierarchy process Industrial Management & Data Systems, 116(5):1024-1042.2016

·Transportation service sharing and replenishment/delivery scheduling in supply hub in industrial park (ship) International Journal of Production Economics, 175: 109-120.2016